Ask NeuroWork
"How do we embed the "different not broken" messages in large corporate settings?"

"How do we embed the "different not broken" messages in large corporate settings?"

How companies can get on board with this idea for neurodiversity

Welcome to Episode 2 of Ask NeuroWork! Your hosts Rachel Worsley, founder of Neurodiversity Media, and Kate Hardiman, CEO of Unify360, discuss the following:

  1. What does this mean?

  2. Steps companies can take to get on board with the idea eg.

    • awareness/education

    • inclusive hiring practices

    • adapting workplaces

    • leading by example etc

Listen to the episode above or click on view in browser to access the full transcript.

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Ask NeuroWork
A Q&A show answering the tough questions about neurodiversity in the workplace, for neurodivergent people and their employers.